
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Earlier this month, I found myself standing on a box in the middle of a plaza. Fountains roaring in the background, vendors down the way, and trees arching over the wide sidewalks. And then there was me, in the middle of it all, speaking out about God’s faithfulness and goodness. I never thought I would be that person. The person talking about Jesus in the middle of a park as people pass by. 

Sharing that boldly, even for something as short as a two minute testimony, isn’t something I have a personal schema for; and it’s not something I was comfortable doing. I was being asked to get up on top of a box, in public, and share a story I hadn’t even rehearsed. What typical person does that? I like things to be planned, practiced, and structured. I like things to be predictable.

But as squadmate after squadmate shared short stories about how God had worked in their lives, I knew my turn to speak was quickly arriving. So, I jumped in. 

I don’t know if my story was good. I don’t even know if anyone was listening to me, but I’m still glad I did it. I’m glad that I did something outside of my comfort zone. I’m glad that I said “Yes” to something new, because God can use those moments of risk to draw me closer to where he wants me to be and to grow me in walking in boldness. 

If I have a spiritual dream, that’s probably it. I dream of walking freely and in boldness. I dream of living unhindered by fear and unburdened by besetting sins. I dream of walking openly, because my God has ransomed me and delivered me. This month, stepping towards that dream looked a lot like stepping up onto a box in the middle of a plaza in Mendoza, Argentina.


8 responses to “A Box and a Dream”

  1. You have a special way of expressing struggles and victories that I find easy and comfortable to relate to. Maybe you should aspire to be an author for a devotional?! Always great to be in on what you and the team are doing, Kaitlynn. Keeping you in prayer and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks for stepping out of the box and on to the box!
    Our story?
    To share of a Savior who delivers His people!
    Merry Christmas , my daughter??

  3. Inspired, Kaitlynn. I hope to be like this too. The Lord’s really been speaking the last couple of sentences to me this past week as well. If He’s delivered me to the degree that He says, I desire and dream of that too. So blessed to see this!

  4. Seeing how God is moving in your life and how He is using you to share the Gospel is so encouraging. I didn’t feel comfortable getting that box either, but you also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone!

  5. Even when its difficult…saying yes to what God is asking helps to stretch us. I used to wonder why being stretched was a good thing until I started to look back on my life and saw how rewarding being stretched was.
    Thanks for stretching!!!

  6. It’s for freedom Christ sets us free! Gal. 5:1 – So glad you had the courage to stand on that box and figuratively speaking declare your freedom!